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Counseling and Wellness, PLLC

Phone: 910.240.4599 Client Portal: Link
Angier Office: 215 Fish Drive, Angier NC 27501
Dunn Office: 67 Norris Road, Dunn NC 28334

October 2024: 1st Place, Farmers Day Pig Cookoff sponsored by Heritage Counseling and Wellness

May 2024: Victoria and Brandon offer their first "Redeemed Parenting" class at South Erwin Baptist Church

May 2024: Laura Baker and Laura Rich completes their internships and graduate from Campbell University

April 2024: Victoria was a story-teller at the Resilience Initiative for the Harnett County Parternship for children.

April 2024: Victoria and Andi attend Resiliency Training with the Harnett County Partnership for Children

Spring 2024: Our spring project at the Keen Homeplace office... Peter Rabbit Fairy Garden

April 2024: Career Day at our local elementary school

March 2024: Spring Photo Shoot at the Angier Depot

December 2023: Annual Team Christmas Party

October 2023: Trunk or Treat for our local elementary school

May 2023: Andi Compton completes her internship and graduates from Campbell University.

August 2023: Ribbon Cutting at HCW at the Keen Family Homeplace

October 2022: Charlie Brown theme float at Coats Farmers Day

September 2022: Erwin Denim Days

January 2023: HCW Celebrating 2 Years of Service
Sept. 2021: Crepe Myrtle Festival, Angier

July 2021: Ribbon Cutting with Angier Chamber of Commerce

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